
At Pets on Q, we want you to become a pet influencer and have the tools to manage yourself easily. That’s why we created our booking platform! You can connect with brands, manage campaigns, and get paid securely in one place. In order to use our platform, you can apply here.


We have a few requirements in place in order for our platform to work effectively. Here’s what we ask for. 


You must have the following to apply:


  • Have 5,000+ REAL followers on any social media platform
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Have a public account
  • No age restrictions on your page
  • Three posts within the past month
  • Animals shown in four out of six posts

If you’re not quite ready to join our booking platform, all are welcome to join our animal community! There, you’ll have the opportunity to start applying to open castings.

Tag Post : Animal Talent

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